Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Computer Science and Economics

Left-wing economics is idealistic, and the basic assumption is that everyone is a good guy, and he will work in the best interests of the system.

On the other hand, the basic assumption behind right-wing economics is that everyone is inherently a bad guy, and will work only for his own benefit. Hence, systems have to be devised so as to align a person's selfish interests with the system's interests.

To put it in other words, left-wing stuff is ideal. It assumes best case performance, or marginally below best case performance, from all players in the system. Similarly, in assuming that everyone has only a selfish motive, right-wing economics does what can be called a worst-case design.

Training in Computer Science inherently teaches you to think about the worst-case possibilities in everything.

In this context, isn't it surprising that so many people from a computer science background are leftist?


Greenfoot said...

This may be because cse people soon realize that the worst case is not always "right". What matters in practicality is the amortized cost....

Unknown said...

Working for self interest don't necessarily makes a person a "bad guy" ;)
btw, good insights. Keep it up!

Prateek Ancha said...

I agree with Makiitk that branding people working in their self interest, as bad guys, is improper. That's however, is a normative judgement.